The little elves who post Sister Brett's letters each week forgot to post it....sorry.

JUST came out this morning and I'm still processing everything. I am no
longer an English speaking missionary....I'm being reassigned to the
Hmong language! I'm opening up a brand new area with a Hmong companion
and we start in ONE DAY. I am so excited, but I know it'll be a lot of
hard work- good thing I love egg rolls. I am so sad to leave behind Eden
Prairie, there was a lot of great work to be done here! But I know the
next missionaries to take over will do awesome.
This week
was crazy fun. We taught the Restoration to some cool druggies who only
knew about the Mormons from South Park and The Book of Mormon musical
(more to come on that later). They were super chill and had more tattoos
than bare skin, but weren't really keen on coming to church at the
moment (cuz, you know, drugs). But they were really nice and have a lot
of potential when they're not busy with their illegal substances.
That was
basically our week! I'm a little bummed to be leaving an amazing area,
but I am so so so excited to open this new area and experience a new
culture and people. Let's hope the gift of tongues comes in handy! I
love this gospel, and it's for all people, all around the world, even
the ones right here in Minnesota. Love, Sister Brett
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